“Forgiveness vs Second Chance”
Is a choice to accept the person’s mistake that they did to you.
Is a sign of love and freedom to give the second chance that
you believed in yourself that he or she deserves it.
Is the first step in moving on before acceptance.
Is the best decision before giving the second chance
We all know that Forgiveness is a constant attitude that everyone must
learn. It is important for each and every one to control your emotions. We
always encounter the word “Forgiveness” but is it everyone deserves the second
chance? They are a big difference between the words “Forgiveness” & “Second
Chance” that soon I will explain those dissimilarity.
Second Chance
Is an opportunity to do change the flaws that have you done
in the first opportunity.
It is a decision that takes time or process before it was
given to you.
It is given by a wonderful love of someone.
Is a fortunate decision by someone you hurt to change and fix
the damage of wrong decisions you made.
Everybody believes that in every move we make have different
consequences. In each mistake that we made to someone is counted and sometimes
it wasn’t forgotten that soon might lead to broken relationships but is it
everyone deserves a second chance? That is the big question behind the damage
that someone did to us.
The facts in the word “Forgiveness” …
You can forgive but your trust cannot be replaced the same as
what it is before.
Easy to forgive but hard to forget.
Sometimes we forgive someone because we still want them in
our life.
Forgiveness cannot change the damage or past.
Others believe that Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge.
Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to
admit them. – Bruce Lee
It takes a strong person to say SORRY, and an even stronger
person FORGIVE.
The facts in the words “Second Chance”…
Not everyone deserves a second chance depends on the
Sometimes we need a second chance because weren’t quite ready
for the first.
It takes a smart person and sometimes a wonderful love to
give the second opportunity to someone.
Others believe that second chances are not given to make
things right but are given to prove that we could be better after we fall.
Sometimes second chances are work out better than the first.
Life’s always gives us second it’s called tomorrow.
“A lifetime isn't forever, so take the first
chance, don't wait for the second one! Because sometimes, there aren't second
chances! And if it turns out to be a mistake? So what! This is life! A whole
bunch of mistakes! But if you never get a second chance at something you didn't
take a first chance at? That's true failure.”
― C. JoyBell C.
― C. JoyBell C.
Those are the facts and dissimilarity of the words “Forgiveness” and
Second chance”.
In my conclusion to the topic, We must learn how to forgive
and keep calm in every bad deeds that someone did for us but don’t let the
flame burn you twice unless if the mistakes that he/she did to you is just a
simple wound or an accident. Our sorry cannot change the situation but
forgiveness enlarges the future and second chances are given to prove that we
could be better after all.
Forgiveness won’t change the situation better but it helps us
to accept the mistake in the past and make our hearts free from the chains of
pain. Always think before you made a decision in giving the second chances
because sometimes letting go and moving forward in life are the answer to be happy
and satisfied. Once the trust is broken it will never be the same as what it is
before. Second chance is only given for those who deserved it and you want it
to be still part of your life. Nobody is perfect so try to forgive and forget
though we know that it was not easy but it is possible.
Learn to forgive and be thankful in every situation of your
life that is the key of happiness but don’t just easily give the second chance
to someone. Not everyone who broke your trust is worth to be in that place.
Forgiveness is a sign of love and second chances are the freedom. When a door
is close there will always be an open door so don’t focus on one side causemany
opportunities and better people wait for you. J
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